Friday, August 26, 2011

Vandals strike my new BLMA reefers

I was excited about my new purchase today of 2 BLMA 64' reefers, and set them on the layout for a moment to admire their detail.  I went inside for a couple hours and when I returned had found that some no good scoundrels had tagged my brand new cars!


Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Boxcar Weathering Projects

Now that my Marias Pass model railroad is pretty much complete, I have been able to focus on some weathering projects that have stacked up over the past year.  I've been trying some new techniques, looking for some best practices.

Here are three that I finished recently:

This BNSF car was given only a light fade coat to dull the factory paint.  I added a touch of grime to the ends, a coat of grime/rust to the trucks, and added FVM 36" metal wheelsets.  This car came with yellow reflector stripes, so overall level of effort was low.

This is an ExactRail hi-cube boxcar.  I gave the body a very light fade coat to dull the paint, but wanted it to appear like a fairly new piece.  I added some bright and large graffiti, a light coat of grime to the ends of the body, generous coat of grime/rust to the trucks, and FVM 36" metal wheelsets.

This Atlas boxcar recieved a heavy fade coat after scratching off some of the white lettering.  I hand painted the roof with a coat of burnt sienna acrylic followed by a coat of burnt umber.  The sides of the car recieved a drybrushing of burnt umber after graffiti decals were applied.  The trucks were given a coat of grime/rust, upgraded FVM wheelsets, and finally yellow reflector stripes to bring it up to current standards.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

BNSF ex-ATSF SD40-2 "patch"

Here is my latest custom job.  The victim is a Kato SD40-2.

Updating my "for sale" page

I will be updating my "for sale" page over the next few weeks with items from my personal collection, as well as some custom weathered items.  Check it out and please email me if anything sparks your interest: