
Saturday, December 31, 2011

Happy (N)ew Year - Finishing Strong

Only a few hours left in 2011.  The kids are in bed, the wife is reading a book, and I am finishing strong with the addiction...

I have a bunch of ARMN reefers that need graffiti, so I thought this would be a great activity to close out my year.  As I reflect on 2011, it was a great year to be an N scale addict.  I completed a layout, made some progress on my weathering techniques, and had multiple articles published which only fed my addiction.  2012 should be a good year, and will start off strong with the Great Train Expo only 4 weeks away.  I hope this year was also good for all of you fellow N scalers out there. 

I'm going to get to work now, and don't worry, I plan to model responsibly tonight and not overdose on N scale.  Happy New Year!

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